Congrats to The First Graduates of Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Intellectual Property in Turkey!

The LL.M. Program which is jointly organized by Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and Ankara University has produced the first sixteen graduates this year. In the Graduation Ceremony on 7th of June, 2017, Ms. Marta Chikowore – Lecturer at WIPO,  Prof.Dr.Mr. Erkan İBİŞ  – President of Ankara University and Prof.Dr.Mr.Habip ASAN – President of Turkish Patent and Trademark Office have given a speech expressing their proudness towards the students’ work. Ms. Chikowore laid the weight on the collaboration of the WIPO, The Office and the University, pioneering role of the Program and its precursory effect on the further occasions in this productive partnership.

The program is “tailored” for the people working in areas that needs creativity such as painting, music, publication industries or journalism, or people who are interested in obtaining in-depth knowledge about Intellectual Property Rights. In this regard, the program involves the General Course on Intellectual Property in the first semester, Research Methodology, Advanced Level of IP Prosecution and also post-grant process and operations in the second semester. At the end of the year, within the scope of the courses taken, student will choose a specific topic or case for the research term. The academic staff comprises professors at WIPO, academicians of Ankara University and expert staff of Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.

The online applications for Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Intellectual Property Program of this year end on 30th of July. For more information about all WIPO LL.M. programs: . For the program in Turkey, also you may visit: